southjerseydisability 2024-09-07T11:02:53-04:00 southjerseydisability 2024-09-07T11:02:53-04:00 2024-09-07T11:02:53-04:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - House Greyjoy - Iron Victory Crew Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 41.95

The sight of Kraken sails coming over the horizon fills any settlement with dread, but none moreso than those of the Iron Victory, Victarion’s personal raiding ship. The Iron Victory’s Crew are handpicked men, vicious by nature, skilled in warfare, and loyal to a fault. They are few in number but can serve well as a hard center to any assault force. Proper support is required to guard their flanks, of course.

Availability_Only Show In Stock Items CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_House Greyjoy Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 41.95 SIF912 0 2024-09-07T10:57:01-04:00 2024-09-07T10:57:01-04:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - House Baratheon - Crownland Scouts Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 41.95

The Crownland Scouts unit box gives players of House Baratheon and loyal to Renly, a brand new hard hitting cavalry unit to use in their armies. In-keeping with the Baratheon doctrine of heavy arms and heavier armor, Champions of the Stag are knights in No army serves its king by blundering blindly about the countryside. The more skilled their scouting forces, the better a commander can distribute their troops for an impending attack. The Crownland Scouts under the Baratheon Stag are among the finest in the Seven Kingdoms. Lightly armored to move at great speed, they are not suited for combat under most circumstances, but their reports can be relied upon for optimal deployments. ]]>
CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_House Baratheon Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 41.95 SIF818 0 2024-08-07T09:43:44-04:00 2024-08-07T09:43:44-04:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - House Targaryen - Dothraki Outriders Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 5.95

The Dothraki Outriders are generally used as scouting forces, using their superior riding skills to spy on the enemy and ascertain the best way for the main army to attack. But once the battle has started, a whole new facet of the unit becomes apparent: they’re also master archers. Archers are generally slower units in an army. Obviously, that’s not the case when your archer is also a master rider.

The Dothraki Outriders Unit Box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Targaryen players a swift ranged force for their army. These lightly armored mounted troops make full use of their horses both before and after raining arrows down on their opponents. With their great speed, the Dothraki Outriders can reach out and deal damage to enemies normally considered safe along the back lines of an army. Enemy commanders will have a difficult time pinning down these highly mobile troops.

24MOVE CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_House Targaryen Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames wave4 Default Title 5.95 SIF603 0 2024-04-18T16:21:15-04:00 2024-04-18T16:21:15-04:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - Neutral Forces - Stone Crows Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 41.95

As mountain tribes and raiders go, Tyrion Lannister’s Stone Crows are quite ordinary, save their unexpected loyalty. While pledged more to Tyrion’s coin than his person, they proved true to their word, even when betrayal might have been a more lucrative option. As mercenaries, these troops are worth their coin, if properly employed as scouts and flankers. Their light arms and armor make them unsuited to the front line in a protracted engagement. ]]>
CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_Neutral Forces Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 41.95 SIF521 0 2024-04-05T08:53:16-04:00 2024-04-05T08:53:16-04:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - Free Folk - Harma's Vanguard Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 41.95

North of the wall horses are a somewhat rare sighting, which makes Harma Dogshead’s Vanguard all the more inspiring for the Free Folk. While lightly armored and crudely armed compared to southern troops, these cavalry units serve as more than outriders, being both scouts and spearheads to the Free Folk armies. Their greatest weakness is in fact their lack of armor, but this gives rise to their greatest strength: pure speed. ]]>
CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_Free Fok Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 41.95 SIF419 0 2024-04-05T08:52:52-04:00 2024-04-05T08:52:52-04:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - House Stark - Winterfell Guards Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 41.95

While not explicitly trained as a formal military unit, the Winterfell Guards are formed of a mix of veterans who are at the far end of their prime and young men still wearing their first beards. They rarely see combat more involved than a drunken brawl, and yet in these days of the War, they must muster and march on occasion. They can fill out the line and competently flank but should not be relied upon to bear the brunt of an enemy assault. ]]>
CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_House Stark Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 41.95 SIF119 0 2023-12-13T14:27:58-05:00 2023-12-13T14:27:58-05:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - Free Folk - Giant Spear Throwers Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 41.95

As if giants in the line-of-battle weren’t bad enough, the enemies of the Free Folk must also face giants standing in the back and hurling spears the size of tree trunks. Their weapons are crude by southern standards, but one doesn’t need much finesse when hurling wooden shafts as thick as a large man’s torso. These powerful creatures can devastate even a heavily armored line, but they have trouble defending themselves from foes who get too close. Wise Free Folk commanders will guard them well and keep them far from enemy cavalry or fast-moving assault forces.

New Units for the Free Folk- The Giant Spear Throwers Unit Box gives Free Folk players a powerful ranged monstrosity to decimate their foes.

Highly detailed miniatures - The miniatures are highly detailed and come pre-assembled so they can be played with and painted straight out of the box.

Living Artillery – The Giant Spear throwers could hurl their spears with the might of a ballista, allowing them to bombard their foes from afar. ]]>
CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_Free Folk Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 41.95 SIF418 0 2023-12-13T14:20:48-05:00 2023-12-13T14:20:48-05:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - House Baratheon - Halberdiers Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 41.95

House Baratheon’s doctrine of heavy arms and heavier armor serves well to make their force into a walking fortress. Difficult to assault and deadly to ignore, enemies find themselves in a conundrum, particularly against lines incorporating Halberdiers. The traditional weakness against cavalry shared by most infantry is nullified. Further, a cavalry or flanking force that hesitates in their charge against the Baratheon lines opens themselves up to weaknesses that a good commander can exploit. Many creative means of destroying the enemy become available to commanders that employ Halberdiers in their composition.

New characters for any army - The Baratheon Halberdiers Unit Box gives Baratheon players a new frontline unit to field in their army.

Highly detailed miniatures - The miniatures are highly detailed and come pre-assembled so they can be played with and painted straight out of the box.

Tough new unit - This pack a new vanguard unit that Baratheon players of any allegiance can field in their army. They are a resilient unit that draws their foes attention, keeping them away from the Baratheon’s commander’s more valuable units. ]]>
CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_House Baratheon Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 41.95 SIF817 0 2023-12-13T14:18:22-05:00 2023-12-13T14:18:22-05:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - House Stark - Umber Ravagers Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 41.96

One doesn’t immediately equate House Umber and its famous Berserkers with cavalry, yet they do have a few men trained in horsemanship. The Ravagers are as swift and deadly as any cavalry force in Westeros. They’re not as heavily armored as fully fledged knights from the south, yet they move just as rapidly and strike just as hard. Allowing Ravagers to attack your rear or flank is to invite a swift and merciless death. Care must be taken not to let them get bogged down in a melee, but a good commander will position them to be ready for that glorious, devastating charge.

New cavalry unit for House Stark - The House Umber Ravagers Unit Box gives Stark players a hard-hitting Cavalry unit to decimate their foes.

Highly detailed miniatures - The miniatures are highly detailed and come pre-assembled so they can be played with and painted straight out of the box.

Unique New unit – This would be the first cavalry unit for House Umber allowing players who enjoy fielding House Umber to fill their ranks with something much more mobile.
CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_House Stark Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 41.96 SIF118 0 2023-12-13T14:13:07-05:00 2023-12-13T14:13:07-05:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - House Greyjoy - Stony Shore Pillagers Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 41.95

The Kraken banner means trouble anywhere it’s seen along the Stony Shore, largely thanks to the Pillagers that swarm over villages and settlements along its length. These men move quickly, seize everything not nailed down, and kill or rout anyone that gets in their way. Once they gain momentum, they’re difficult to take down, but care must be taken to shield them from direct assaults, especially against heavily armed troops. That said, give them a flank to chew on, and the Stony Shore Pillagers won’t stop until they’ve devoured the entire enemy line.

New characters for any army - The Stony Shore Pillagers Unit Box gives Greyjoy players a new unit and an attachment to bolster their armies with.

Highly detailed miniatures - The miniatures are highly detailed and come pre-assembled so they can be played with and painted straight out of the box.

Highly synergistic units- This pack contains a new attachment that capitalises on the Greyjoy’s pillage mechanic. The unit also makes good use of the pillage mechanic to stay in a fight longer.
CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_House Greyjoy Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 41.95 SIF911 0 2023-12-13T14:03:00-05:00 2023-12-13T14:03:00-05:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - House Martell - Darkstar Retinue Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 41.95

Ser Gerold Dayne’s personal guard has no formal name but are simply known as Darkstar Retinue. They clothe and armor themselves in the manner of their lord and follow in his footsteps in both manner and fighting style. They’re best employed on flanks and far from other units. There they wait patiently for their moment, then dash forward to strike like vipers, inflicting heavy casualties and sowing panic. They can remain in the fight to finish off what few opponents remain or retreat to the flanks to await their moment again. In their element they’re a fearsome, deadly force that only a foolish enemy would ignore.

New unit for the Martells - The Darkstar Retinue Unit Box gives House Martell players a hard-hitting unit for their army.

Highly detailed miniatures - The miniatures are highly detailed and come pre-assembled so they can be played with and painted straight out of the box.

Heavy-Hitters - The Darkstar Retinue is a highly maneuverable unit that outflanks their foes, cutting them down swiftly before charging forward again onto the next foe. ]]>
CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_House Martell Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 41.95 SIF708 0 2023-12-13T14:02:45-05:00 2023-12-13T14:02:45-05:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - Neutral Forces - Heroes 3 Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 43.95

In the tumultuous world of Westeros, there are many souls who no longer hold allegiance to any particular House. These storm-tossed individuals all have their own reasons for this isolation. Some, like Arya Stark, are on the run. Formerly of House Stark, her fortunes have drastically changed in recent times. Others are chasing them down, like Sandor Clegane, who, himself, had been taking orders from members of House Lannister for as long as he can remember. Whatever the case, be they misfit, criminal, or simply outcasts, characters like Rorge, Biter, Jokin, and Widower may find themselves in the employ of many different forces. If the coin is good, that’s all that really matters to them.

New characters for any army - The Neutral Heroes Unit Box gives players of any House various new attachments, commanders and NCUS that can be included in their armies.

Highly detailed miniatures - The miniatures are highly detailed and come preassembled so they can be played with and painted straight out of the box.

Iconic Characters - This pack contain iconic characters such as Arya Stark, Shae, and Sandor Clegane that were bound for the wall under the watchful eye of a Night's Watch recruiter. It also features the two commanders of the Stormcrows, allowing players to bring their band of mercenaries onto the battlefield. ]]>
CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_Neutral Forces Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 43.95 SIF515 0 2023-09-27T12:24:55-04:00 2023-09-27T12:24:55-04:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - House Targaryen - Pit Fighters Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 29.95

Pit Fighters have amazing offensive abilities, however these come at a price. Using their Order ability, Pit Fighters Rage, they cause their target to becomes Vulnerable, Panicked and Weakened at the cost of 2 Wounds to their own.

Though their defense may leave more to be desired, they are able to deal blows with Precision and reduce the number of wounds taken from Panic Tests.

The miniatures are highly detailed and come preassembled so they can be played with and painted straight out of the box. ]]>
CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_House Targaryen Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 29.95 SIF612 0 2023-09-27T12:24:19-04:00 2023-09-27T12:24:19-04:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - House Lannister - Gold Cloaks Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 29.95

This unit comes with a Gate Warden attachment that synergises with your Gold Cloaks, allowing them to re-roll attack dice when attacking units with fewer remaining ranks.

Gold Cloaks are great at cleaning up threats in short range with their Laws of the Realm Order, allowing them to reduce damage dealt by enemies. They also cause a drop in enemies' Morale when controlling the crown on the Tactics board.

The miniatures are highly detailed and come preassembled so they can be played with and painted straight out of the box. ]]>
CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_House Lannister Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 29.95 SIF217 0 2023-07-19T18:58:40-04:00 2023-07-19T18:58:40-04:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - House Martell - Spearmen Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 29.95

The Martell Spearmen are one of the primary units of the Martell forces. When attacked, they are able to make a quick Melee attack at their opponents before taking damage. Their Tactical Reposition order also gives added maneuverability to friendly units around the battlefield.

This box comes with a Spearmen Captain attachment that is able to selectively Weaken enemies in Long Range of the unit it is attached to.

The miniatures are highly detailed and come preassembled so they can be played with and painted straight out of the box.

CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_House Martell Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 29.95 SIF701 0 2023-07-19T18:58:07-04:00 2023-07-19T18:58:07-04:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - House Martell - Martell Heroes 2 Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 41.95

Martell Heroes 2 is the next installment of Heroes to the Martell faction. It features famous characters from the books such as Arianne Martell, Daemon Sand, Arys Oakheart, Edric Dayne, Quentyn Martell and Gerold Dayne.

As a NCU, Arianne Martell exerts her influence across the battlefield with skillful negotiations, causing enemy attachments to lose their abilities. Arys helps to control zones on the Tactics board with his Unfaltering Politics ability.

Daemon Sand and Gerold Dayne, both seasoned warriors in their own right, bring different styles of command to the Martell faction.

The miniatures are highly detailed and come pre-assembled so they can be played with and painted straight out of the box.

CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_House Martell Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 41.95 SIF710 0 2023-06-21T15:58:34-04:00 2023-06-21T15:58:34-04:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - House Bolton - Starter Set Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 99.95

A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim the greatest prize of all: The Iron Throne. House Bolton rules from Dreadfort, their ancient edifice in the north. Descendants of the First Men, they are known for their sigil of a flayed man, a practice that they often partake in. Aggressive to the core, they fought in a rebellion against House Stark many years ago. They have been likened to rabid dogs, lashing out against anyone that gets too close, even their own. Troops in House Bolton often fear their own commanders more than the enemy. Roose and Ramsay Bolton rule with iron, spiked fists. Their reputation for brutality and cruelty causes many foes to simply quit the battlefield. Better to run away and survive than be captured. Woe to anyone who ends up in House Bolton’s clutches after a battle.
The Bolton Starter set is a brand new faction for A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game. It brings back some familiar faces such as Roose Bolton and Ramsay Snow, along with new ones like Walda Frey and Jeyne Poole. Alongside their units of Bolton Cutthroats, Bolton Blackguards and Dreadfort Archers, they're ready to face their opponents head on.

This Starter Set contains everything you need to start your Bolton army. In addition, it contains cards for the neutral version of the characters and units in the box so you can use them in your other existing armies.

The miniatures are highly detailed and come pre-assembled so they can be played with and painted straight out of the box. ]]>
CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_House Bolton Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Starter Set Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 99.95 SIF005 0 2023-06-21T15:55:40-04:00 2023-06-21T15:55:40-04:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - House Bolton - Dreadfort Spearmen Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 29.95

The Dreadfort Spearmen are a Bolton-exclusive units that may only be used in Bolton armies.

With their Impaling Spear attack, they are able to inflict the Panicked condition to opposing units in short range if they destroy one of the defending unit's ranks.

The miniatures are highly detailed and come pre-assembled so they can be played with and painted straight out of the box. ]]>
CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_House Bolton Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 29.95 SIF522 0 2023-06-21T15:52:10-04:00 2023-06-21T15:52:10-04:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - House Bolton - Bolton Heroes 1 Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 29.95

This box is integral for any Bolton player to expand the range of tactics their army employs. It includes the Ben Bones, Damon Dance-For-Me, Skinner, Grunt, Sour Alyn, who may be used as attachments to your Bolton units and Steelstanks Walton who may used as a commander or attachment for your Bolton army. Tybald supports the army off the battlefield as an NCU.

As a Commander, Steelshanks Walton has access to tactic cards such as Price of Fear, Rush of Aggression and Taunt.

Each of the Bastards' Boys has their own unique Abilities or Orders to spread the fear and chaos amidst the battle.

Tybald may use his Deceitful Envoy ability causes one of the opposing Combat Units to become Vulnerable if an enemy NCU takes a Tactics Zone that has been targeted by him.

The miniatures are highly detailed and come preassembled so they can be played with and painted straight out of the box. ]]>
CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_House Bolton Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 29.95 SIF506 0 2023-06-21T15:50:42-04:00 2023-06-21T15:50:42-04:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - House Bolton - Dreadfort Archers Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 29.95

Dreadfort Archers are able to fire at long range, ignoring units and terrain while determining line of sight, even gaining Precision while attacking engaged units. However, their attacks also deal 1 Wound to friendly units that are engaged with the target opponent.

The Dreadfort Archers are a Bolton exclusive unit that may only be drafted into Bolton armies.

The miniatures are highly detailed and come pre-assembled so they can be played with and painted straight out of the box. ]]>
CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_House Bolton Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 29.95 SIF523 0 2022-10-17T16:28:07-04:00 2022-10-17T16:28:07-04:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - House Martell - Starfall Outriders Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 39.95

House Dayne is House Martell’s strongest vassal house. They hail from Starfall, an ancient castle in the desert. Their well known for their mastery of the equestrian arts, sending several different units to House Martell to aid in their military exercises. The Outriders are the light cavalry unit in their arsenal.

The Starfall Outriders unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Martell a quick, light cavalry unit for their forces. They are adept at hit-and-run tactics with their scimitars while aiding friendly units nearby, rallying them to fight on ever stronger.

CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_House Martell Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 39.95 SIF706 0 2022-10-17T16:26:58-04:00 2022-10-17T16:26:58-04:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - House Martell - Starfall Knights Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 39.95

House Dayne hails from the citadel of Starfall. They are the strongest vassal house of House Martell. The Starfall Knights are their heavy cavalry. Being in a desert, they’re not laden down with armor, but, they still get the job done.

The Starfall Knights unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Martell a heavy cavalry unit to add to their forces. The Knights train relentlessly with their lances, using them to devastating effect during a charge. If they can strike an enemy on the flanks or rear, the devastation is near-complete.

CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_House Martell Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 39.95 SIF707 0 2022-10-17T16:24:39-04:00 2022-10-17T16:24:39-04:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - Neutral Forces - Lysene Sellswords Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 9.95

A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim the greatest prize of all: The Iron Throne.

The Lysene Sellswords give other factions access to the Pillage mechanic which was previously only available to Greyjoy players. When attacking, they get stronger based on the number of pillage tokens they obtained.

The box also contains the Lysene Bosun attachment, which gives the unit new abilities if the player so chooses to use it in their army.

Neutral units can be used by any army (except Free Folk armies) in A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game!

The miniatures are highly detailed and come pre-assembled so they can be played with and painted straight out of the box.

24MOVE CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_Neutral Forces Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames wave4 Default Title 9.95 SIF519 0 2022-10-17T16:22:21-04:00 2022-10-17T16:22:21-04:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - Free Folk - Frozen Shore Hunters Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 43.95

A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim the greatest prize of all: The Iron Throne.

The Frozen Shore Hunters Unit Box allows Free Folk players to exploit their opponents weak positioning on the battlefield.

Their Harpoon weapon allows them to do both melee and ranged attacks.

The miniatures are highly detailed and come pre-assembled so they can be played with and painted straight out of the box.

Not a standalone product. A copy of A Song of Ice and Fire Free Folk Starter Set is required to play.

CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_Free Folk Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 43.95 SIF413 0 2022-10-17T16:20:11-04:00 2022-10-17T16:20:11-04:00 A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - House Martell - Dune Vipers Tabletop Wargames Cool Mini or Not

Vendor: Cool Mini or Not
Type: Tabletop Wargames
Price: 39.95

In the vast deserts of Dorne, being alone is a recipe for death. It’s only via strength in numbers that people can survive. House Martell drills this into their Dune Vipers units, training them in ganging up against enemies.

The Dune Vipers Unit Box gives House Martell players in the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game a crafty melee unit for their forces. They excel in attacking with allies, ganging up to take out extremely strong enemies Their expertise with their spears and nets can bring down the most dangerous of foes with relative ease.

CMON Distributor_Asmodee Faction_House Martell Filter By_Miniatures Filter By_Preassembled Filter By_Unpainted Material_Plastic MINI20OFF NODIST System_ASOIAFTMG Tabletop Wargames Default Title 39.95 SIF705 0